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Housed in a converted 19th Century Gothic Church in the centre of Listowel’s Georgian Square, St John’s Theatre & Arts Centre & Arts Centre provides a flexible 150 seater space, which receives, develops and commissions professional new artistic work across music, theatre, film, literature and visual art. In 1988 a local voluntary committee began the transformation of the then Church of Ireland building and reopened into what is now St. John's Theatre & Arts Centre.

We nurture and grow youth, amateur and community-based arts by providing supports and a unique space for workshops, rehearsals, and performances. We provide opportunities for our community to engage with the arts through arts education programmes that promote life-long learning to diverse communities, to artistically enrich the town of Listowel and its rural hinterland through a spirit of partnership at local and national level.


To be a nationally significant arts venue for the development and presentation of new, innovative, and contemporary work in the arts, which challenges, inspires and enriches the lives of the community we serve. To be the premier creative hub for the region, strengthening north Kerry’s visibility and reputational value as a key cultural destination for Irish and international visitors, contributing to the economy, employment opportunities, tourism and quality of life for its community.

North Kerry’s visibility and reputational value as a key cultural destination for Irish and international visitors, contributing to the economy, employment opportunities, tourism and quality of life for its community. 


We strongly believe that the arts are for every single person in our community and pride ourselves in a vibrant, dynamic, creative environment that inspires and engages artists, nurtures a diverse audience and is firmly rooted in and dedicated to the life of its community in the north Kerry market town of Listowel and its surrounds.


Our mission is to support artists and the creation of art; to connect artists and audiences; to provide opportunities for our community to develop their own creativity and create a cultural engagement that enriches the lives of diverse communities in Kerry and beyond.


St John's Theatre & Arts Centre clg is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital. The directors (January 2022) consist of:
Owen McMahon (chairpe
rson), Eimear Galvin, Siobhán O'Sullivan, Joe Murphy, Charles Cantillon, Nigel Fitzell and Jimmy Deenihan.   Secretary: Eimear Galvin


Company number: 160703
Charity number: CHY 10442


To Comply with the Governance Transparency Scale for organisations in receipt of Arts Council recurring funding, see below links to information about the company.

View the last set of accounts issued by the company: 

2021 Audited Accounts.pdf


View the company’s commitment to implement the 

Code of Governance


View the company’s commitment to comply with the principles of 

Good Fundraising Commitment to Good Fundraising


View the company’s 

Articles and Memorandum of Association

St John's Theatre & Arts Centre, Strategic Plan 2021-2024

Strategic Plan


View employee remuneration in bands of €10k


Our policy documents are listed below and a copy of them is available on request

  • Hire Policy

  • Volunteer Policy

  • Child Protection Policy

  • Safe Guarding Children Statement

  • Health and Safety Policy

  • COVID-19 Safety

  • Programming Policy

  • Booking Policy

  • GDPR

Front Doors


St. John's Theatre & Arts Centre  

The Square, Listowel,

Co. Kerry, Ireland. V31 V223

Registered Charity Number CHY 10442

St. John's Logo White
Arts Council Logo
Kerry Council Logo

Opening Hours

St. John's Theatre &  Arts Centre

Monday - Saturday 10am - 5:30pm

Telephone: 068 22566



If you require assistance for your visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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